Engenius offer a comprehensive preventative maintenance and repair service.
Solar PV can stand the test of time, with panels and inverters expected to last well beyond their warranty periods. Yet with system lifespans typically over a quarter of a century, issues can develop. No matter how well built a PV system is, the introduction of any technology to harsh external environments – particularly cutting edge electronics – is bound to produce faults at some point in time. It is key that the system is monitored so that any faults that do occur are identified and rectified as quickly as possible.
To help you get the full life out of your Solar investment, Engenius offers a comprehensive preventative maintenance and repair service. With almost 30 years of experience in the sector, we know how to find and fix faults – and prevent them from happening again. No matter the reason for a call-out, we use our time on site to do a full, expert assessment of your solar system – highlighting where issues may develop, repairing wherever possible, and giving all this information to you.
- We are not beholden to any particular supplier – meaning we will always get our customers the best price.
- Our friendly technicians have years of experience in the field, and provide helpful and actionable advice.
- As well as expertise with all major inverter models, we are service partners for leading inverter manufacturers Fronius and Solar Edge.